Public building toolbox for municipal energy efficiency implementation

The building sector accounts nearly for 40% of the global energy consumption, with an increasing tendency in the last few years in developing countries. As population and developing economies grow, the average floor area per household and the demanded thermal comfort (especially when it comes to air conditioning) do, which leads to a severe expected average building consumption increase. Some estimations point to a potential reduction or compensation of existing buildings energy consumption of 30% to 40% by 2050 through improved thermal performance. As a part of it, digitalization (smart metering and control) may also play an important role in the future, as it is estimated that it can potentially help reducing the buildings’ consumption up to 10% by 2040.

About 80% of unrealized energy efficiency potential is yet to be tapped into in the public buildings sector of the developing countries (J. L. D. G. a. E. C. Alexandra Aznar, “ADVANCING ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES,” USAID-NREL, APRIL 2019.)

Based on its own experience and international best practices the Centre has developed a public building toolbox to disseminate and circulate success stories to engage other cities, countries or organisations that could be potential partners in replicating successful activities. The toolbox provides the following solutions for the lighting sector with the aim to accelerate the energy efficiency at a local level:

  • Provide first stop platform to  stay informed, understand, analyze and implement immediate possible energy efficiency measures before investing on avoidable high cost external expertise at the beginning.
  • Self-rapid assessment online tool of potential energy efficiency opportunities and possible benefits of specific EE actions in public buildings
  • Basic Techno-economical model for preliminary assessment on energy conservation implementation measures.
  • Guidelines for Sustainable Public Procurement (SPP) for public buildings
  • Contract templates and parameters to be included in the tender
  • Financial solutions
  • Recommendations for Measure and Verification process
  • Creating partnerships and projects ready for implementation and replication
  • Dissemination material on best practices and study cases