
RETScreen is a Clean Energy Management Software system for energy efficiency, renewable energy and cogeneration project feasibility analysis as well as ongoing energy performance analysis.
Downloading and running RETScreen Software Suite on your computer will install two separate programs, RETScreen 4 and RETScreen Plus, described below.
Click here to download RETScreen Suite
RETScreen 4 is an Excel-based clean energy project analysis software tool that helps decision makers quickly and inexpensively determine the technical and financial viability of potential renewable energy, energy efficiency and cogeneration projects.
RETScreen Plus is a Windows-based energy management software tool that allows project owners to easily verify the ongoing energy performance of their facilities.
System Requirements:
Microsoft® Excel 2003 | 2007 | 2010 | 2013;
Microsoft® Windows XP | Windows Vista | Windows 7 | Windows 8;
Microsoft® .NET Framework 4 or higher. Note that the Full Profile version must be installed, not just the Microsoft® .NET Framework 4 Client Profile version.
To conduct feasibility and energy performance analysis.
Target audience
Stage of PD cycle
City focus

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Sectors: Cross cutting, Industry, Power sector, Renewables

Country / Region: Global

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Knowledge Object: Publication / Report

Published by: Natural Resources Canada

Publishing year: 2015

Author: Natural Resources Canada