
El Webinar se va a hacer en Español A medida que los países revisan sus Contribuciones Nacionalmente Determinadas (NDC, por sus siglas en inglés) en el marco del Acuerdo de París, el rol de la eficiencia energética se vuelve cada vez más relevante. Las medidas de eficiencia energética pueden reducir significativamente las emisiones de gases de efecto invernadero, mejorar la seguridad […]

When: 4 September, 2024 16:30
Where: GoToWebinar,

El Webinar se va a hacer en Español Una de las principales barreras con que se encuentra la aplicación de medidas de eficiencia energética en los distintos sectores es el acceso a financiamiento. Por un lado, en ciertos casos se requieren períodos de repago más largos que los esperados para ciertas inversiones debido a la presencia de subsidios a la energía; […]

When: 8 August, 2024 17:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

El Webinar se va a hacer en Español Las edificaciones son responsables del 32% del consumo de energía mundial y un 25% de las emisiones de CO2. Edificios más eficientes pueden generar beneficios económicos, reducir el impacto ambiental, mejorar la calidad de vida de las personas y la productividad de las ciudades. La eficiencia energética en edificaciones no solo reducirá los […]

When: 4 July, 2024 16:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

India’s per capita carbon emissions are low, about 1.8 tons, but the combined figure makes it the third largest emitter globally. The Energy Conservation Act in 2001 introduced energy service companies in the country to induce private capital into energy efficiency. This makes India one of the important markets for ESCO services, where ESCOs have been active for more than […]

When: 3 October, 2023 14:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

The rising cooling demand is a pressing concern for energy planners in the GCC region, contributing to higher natural gas consumption in power generation and reducing the prospects for exports. District cooling is increasingly seen as an alternative to conventional cooling due to its lower energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions. The district cooling capacity has expanded exponentially in the […]

When: 5 June, 2023 10:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

There are various ways in which Hydrogen can be produced, with corresponding differences in environmental impact. These differences are classified as Hydrogen Colours, though these do not equate to a clear difference in greenhouse emissions. Hence a plethora of related terms like “Renewable Hydrogen”, “Low-Carbon Hydrogen” and “Clean Hydrogen” are often used. It is therefore important to ask the following […]

When: 27 April, 2023 14:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

Credit and loan officers in banks and other financial institutions are not energy efficiency specialists. The International Energy Efficiency Financing Protocol (IEEFP) has been developed to provide concepts and guidelines to help them assess financing opportunities for energy efficiency projects. It focuses on the key elements needed to evaluate and provide attractive loans to facility owners, ESCOs, and other potential […]

When: 25 April, 2023 15:30
Where: GoToWebinar,

Although a nascent business model, today energy cooperatives and energy communities cover already a wide range of activities in renewable energies and energy efficiency in several countries. These are local and citizen-led initiatives that put in common investment means and democratic principles to implement the energy transition. Decentralized renewables and small-scale energy efficiency can quickly materialise and become a solution […]

When: 19 April, 2023 14:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

Cities are the centres of economic activities and population in all parts of the world. From 2018 to 2021, the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), in its role as the SEforALL energy efficiency hub, used a standard template to systematically collect good practices of energy efficiency actions in cities and published them in Copenhagen’s Centre Knowledge Management System. The […]

When: 9 February, 2023 10:00
Where: GoToWebinar,

During the webinar, our speaker from the OECD will present the main findings from their analysis of how Green Hydrogen can contribute to the decarbonisation of the economy and achieve net zero emissions by 2050. They will also present scenarios of global hydrogen demand in 2050 and the role of low-carbon hydrogen in cumulative emissions reduction. The OECD work primarily […]

When: 11 October, 2022 14:00
Where: GoToWebinar,