Energy efficiency is a powerful mechanism by which businesses can pursue modernisation to boost profitability and increase competitiveness. For home owners energy efficiency offers the chance to increase comfort while reducing utility bills.
Through Sustainable Energy Financing Facilities (SEFFs), the EBRD extends credit lines to local financial institutions which on-lend the funds to their clients, including small and medium-sized businesses, corporate clients, and retail clients.
Loans under the SEFFs provide financing for sustainable energy projects in two key areas:
energy efficiency
small-scale renewable energy.
Recognising that sustainable energy represents a new area of investment, SEFFs provide expert guidance to build capacity in appraising the financial and technical potential of such investments:
Financial institutions learn how to assess the feasibility of energy efficiency and renewable energy projects and how to develop suitable financial products
Clients receive access to a new line of financial products and learn how sustainable energy investments can improve productivity and increase profits.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cross cutting, Finance, Renewables
Country / Region: Global
Tags: energy, energy efficiency, projects, renewable energies, specific financing mechanismsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: EBRD
Publishing year: 2016
Author: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)