This report has been prepared by the Center for Energy Efficiency (CENEf) for the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) with the aim to ‘map’ energy efficiency developments in 10 transition economies (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan) and identify countries, which can be targeted for accelerating energy efficiency actions.
The mapping includes the overview of the key trends related to energy efficiency in the region, assessment of energy efficiency potentials, identification of existing energy efficiency initiatives and recent actions in this field, as well as key stakeholders in the abovementioned countries.
A large variety of information sources were used to complete this task, above all statistical data and personal communications. All major energy-consuming sectors were screened to obtain a comprehensive picture. For the purposes of structuring all this information, an energy efficiency scoring system was elaborated and applied to identify five transition economies that can be targeted for support to further energy efficiency activities.
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Sectors: Cross cutting, Renewables
Country / Region: Asia, Belarus, Colombia, Europe, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Republic of, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan
Tags: C2E2, CIS, energy, energy efficiency, international developmentIn 2 user collections: Energy Efficiency Regional Reports , C2E2 Publications
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: C2E2; CENEf
Publishing year: 2015
Author: C2E2; CENEf