The Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) entered into force on 4 December 2012 and repeals the Cogeneration Directive (2004/8/EC) and the Energy End-Use Efficiency and Energy Services Directive (2006/32/EC). The EED is as close as the EU comes to an EU-wide energy efficiency strategy anchored by legislation. It is a framework directive which sets overarching objectives and targets to be achieved by a coherent and mutually reinforcing set of measures covering virtually all aspects of the energy system: from supply, transformation, transmission and distribution to consumption. Member States (MSs) must transpose the EED into national law by 5 June 2014 within their own legal, social, environmental and economic culture.
This document is a detailed guidebook for a strong and effective implementation of the EED. The Coalition hopes that compiling all the elements of the EED in one easy-to-use guide will help an ambitious implementation of the legislation, achievement of the EU’s energy savings target and paving the way for increasing energy efficiency beyond 2020. The Coalition understands that other and similar forms of support exist for administrations. The Commission is planning to provide its understanding and interpretation of various articles. MSs also have access to a “Concerted Action” dealing with the EED. Active already for many years under the Energy Services and Combined Heat and Power (CHP) Directives, this Concerted Action is a network funded by the Commission to allow officials to meet and share experiences, find common solutions to specific challenges and identify best practices.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cross cutting, District energy, Industry, Power sector
Country / Region: Europe
Tags: bioenergy cogeneration, cogeneration, cogeneration directives, energy, energy efficiency, energy efficiency directives, energy services, implementation, targetsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: The Coalition for Energy Savings
Publishing year: 2013
Author: The Coalition for Energy Savings