Financial institutions can have an increasingly transformative role in shaping finance to address environmental sustainability as global economy recovers. As financial institutions have a critical role in the transition to net zero, the UN Principle for Responsible Banking provides a framework to embed achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’) and the Paris Agreement as core elements of their strategies. Banks have been developing and implementing green mortgage programs to address environmental sustainability in high-risk risk regions while driving underwriting practices towards net-zero by 2050, according to UNEP FI’s review of sustainable finance.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cross cutting, Finance
Country / Region: Europe, Global
Tags: Banks, citizens, drives, Industry Regulators, Institutional Investors, international development, MDG 7: environmental sustainability, National Regulators, risks, SMARTER, specific financing mechanisms, Supranational Regulators, sustainability, sustainable development, Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations, United Nations Environment ProgrammeIn 5 user collections: Green Home Investment Platform – Industry Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – National Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – Supranational Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – Institutional Investors , Green Home Investment Platform – Banks
Knowledge Object: Web Resource
Author: United Nations Environment Program: Finance Initiative ('UNEP FI')