Vietnam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) High-Level Meeting and Stakeholder Forum 2019

December 13, 2019

The event brings together high-level representatives from the Government of Viet Nam, Development Partners, as well as from the Private Sector, Research and Civil Society. The HLM prives a platform to present the progress made of the forty (40) Policy Recommendations from the Technical Working Groups the Viet Nam Energy Partnership Group (VEPG) in the areas of Renewable Energy, Energy Efficiency, Energy Sector Reform, Access to Energy, and Energy Data & Statistics, which were presented and endorsed at the 2nd HLM in 2018.

The 1st Stakeholder Forum will feature interactive sessions for high-level experts to exchange and debate current hot topics with Viet Nam’s energy sector. Viable national and international best practices and examples for Energy Sector Planning, Energy Efficiency and Opportunities in Distributed Renewable energy will be presented, followed by lively exchanges and debate. The agenda and further information can be found at

C2E2 senior economist Xianli Zhu delivered a keynote speech during the energy efficiency session of this event. The keynote highlights the high importance and multiple benefits for Viet Nam. It uses the successful experiences of Denmark and China to stress the importance to change mindsets, from considering energy efficiency policies and measures a threat to local businesses to an opportunity for sharpening industrial competitiveness in green technologies. The keynote speech concludes with some international best practices for industrial energy efficiency improvement.


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