ENSPOL will develop detailed guidelines, tailored to the corresponding national circumstances and, by ensuring carefully planned and well managed stakeholder engagement activities, will successfully deliver a comprehensive package of support to MS, ensuring effective knowledge transfer and capacity building in project partner countries. The project, apart from building on traditional communication methods (conferences, workshops, newsletters etc.) will also exploit the benefits from more innovative approaches such as “train the trainer” for policymakers, the establishment of permanent observatories both at EU and national level and the creation of a one-stop-shop web based stakeholder platform. This platform will facilitate MS to easily access information and effectively guide them on all issues relating to the adherence of Article 7. MS with EEO and/or White Certificate schemes will also benefit from ENSPOL, as they can incorporate lessons learned from other MS or policies to their schemes, and through a process of continuous improvement to ensure the maximization of their own schemes’ impact.
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Sectors: Cross cutting, Renewables
Country / Region: Europe
Tags: capacity building, climate relevant communication, knowledge transfer, lessons learned, national circumstances, projects, stakeholder engagement, stakeholders, sustainable livelihoods approaches, train-the-trainers, trainers, trains, White CertificatesKnowledge Object: Tool / Instrument
Published by: ENSPOL