It is estimated that more than 70% of the detached single-family houses in Poland (3.6 million) have no, or inadequate, thermal insulation. Heating technology is outdated and the most frequently used fuel is coal, burned in old coal-fired boilers, largely contributing to air pollution. Only 1% of all houses in Poland can be considered as energy efficient and were mainly built in the last few years.
The main objective of the briefing is to present possible nZEB requirements for renovation of single family houses in Poland. In the briefing, the need to accelerate the cost-effective renovation of existing buildings in Poland is highlighted as the easiest and fastest way of gaining energy savings.
The briefing proposes a definition of nZEB renovation for single-family houses and the related requirements and concludes that implementation of anti-smog regulations in Poland, referring to quality of fuel and boilers, will increase the energy price and stimulate the renovation process.
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Sectors: Buildings, District energy
Country / Region: Europe
Tags: air pollution, building types, domestic heating, energy, energy savings, heat storage tanks, heating, old, pollution, thermal insulationsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: BPIE
Publishing year: 2018
Author: BPIE