The ExcEED project -which stands for European Energy Efficient building district Database: from data to information to knowledge – takes the pulse of the actual energy consumed by last generation of buildings.
The project answers the need for transparency and comparability of energy performance calculations. The scope of ExcEED is to create a European database for measured and qualitative data on beyond the state-of-the-art buildings and districts. Key performance indicators (KPIs) will be developed to quantify and benchmark the energy efficiency and the environmental quality at building and district level. Advanced tools and KPIs will be associated to the database to analyse real energy performance and environmental quality at the level of single building/district, geo-cluster of buildings, and European new or renovated building stock.
If the database represents the memory of the project, where all the data are stored and categorised, the tools associated to the database are the intellect. Starting from the building, data is converted into information and then into knowledge to impact the three key figures in the building sector (building managers, designers and policy makers). The loop is closed with the impact that the generated knowledge will have on the existing buildings/ districts (improved control and new policies) and on the next generation of buildings/districts (improved design and new policies).
The objectives of the project are shown below:
Orchestrate seamless integration of heterogeneous data to create the European energy efficient buildings & district database and platform;
Deliver information which provides immediate value to the user;
Determine performance benchmarks;
Realise an indoor quality survey;
Set up a return of experience process.
ExcEED will develop several tools, listed below:
Statistical Analysis Tool: Directly linked to the database and its KPIs, to perform core statistical analysis and enhance the return of knowledge process.
Evaluation Tool: Delivering clear, simple actionable insights on building performances and operation.
Environmental Quality Tool: An IEQ survey developed to integrate measured data with information coming from the most valuable sensor in a building, namely, its occupants.
Geo-clustering Tool: Displaying geo-localised data to inform designers, operators, construction sector agents, policy makers and legislative bodies.
Stakeholders may get involved by providing information for the tools, and by using the tools themselves, once developed. Please visit the ExcEED website to know more.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cross cutting, District energy, Power sector
Country / Region: Europe
Tags: building renovation, database, energy efficiency, EU project, EUproject, Horizon2020, KPIs, policy, policy instruments, refurbishmentKnowledge Object: Web Resource