A new research building housing 191 members of staff for the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) is being planned for the “Albert Einstein” science park, which is listed as a landscape of historic and architectural importance. As part of the building’s development, the initial focus is on conducting an energy-based assessment and optimisation of the new building with the aim of undercutting the demands of the 2009 German Energy Saving Ordinance (ENEV 2009) by 50%. In addition, an energy concept for the entire science park is also being developed together with the users of the Telegrafenberg site that includes the office, laboratory and administration buildings and utilises the waste heat emitted from the PIK’s computer centre. The user community encompasses five institutes which, with their almost 1,600 members of staff, are concerned with investigating the impacts of climate change and developing solutions for coping with them. They are therefore particularly committed to preserving resources, minimising impacts and achieving sustainability.
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Sector: Lighting
Country / Region: Europe, Germany
Tags: assessments, building types, climate change impacts, climate impact research, domestic heating, energy, energy savings, global climate, heating, impacts on systems and sectors, international development, waste, waste heatKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Unknown
Publishing year: 2012
Author: Unknown