The promotion of low carbon home retrofit among homeowners is widely recognised as an important strategy to reduce operational energy use in dwellings and mitigate climate change. Building research and policy has traditionally seen the decisions that homeowners make with regard to low-carbon retrofit as isolated events. Nevertheless, research on domestic retrofit shows that retrofit decisions are often spread over lengthy time periods. Driven by the evidence on the temporal nature of retrofit decisions, this adopts a process research strategy to review and produce a metasynthesis of evidence on homeowner retrofit decisions available in the literature.
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Sector: Buildings
Country / Region: Global
Tags: carbon, climate change, drives, energy, global climate, promotions, retrofitsIn 1 user collection: Session 5a: Behaviour integration into energy modelling for policy development – 2
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Publishing year: 2020
Author: Yekatherina Bobrova, George Papachristos