Renovation of city lighting in the City of Tartu, Estonia. The projects duration was 01/01/2006 – 31/12/2006. The Project was helping to continue renovation of city lighting that started in 2003, when City of Tartu changed 906 lights. In 2004 City of Tartu changed 824 lights. This project’s main source of funding came from the European Union. The support from the European Union and City of Tartu helped change 2772 city lights in total and addition to the lights 2650 new energy saving blocks were taken into usage. The energy saving blocks helped to save 25% energy at night.
The project saved 1.31 GWh energy per year and today the city lights are more dependable. Up to today more then 4 GWh have been saved, which equals 6400 tonnes of CO2 (approximately 2.1 million kg of CO2 per year). Municipal lighting network is the biggest electricity consumer in South-Estonia. Improving that system will give the most impact to the community.
The recovery period for the investment was about ten years. Thanks to the European community this period was shortened to up to 2.5 year. Today the investment money is already even, and the city is benefiting every year more then 100 000 EUR from a more efficient system.
The benefit of the project is shared by 101 000 citizens of Tartu. The level of crime and amount of traffic accidents is decreasing despite the fact that the amount of private cars is increasing every year. The city can offer more safe environment and improved life quality to the quests and inhabitants.
Although the project was a big success to people and the environment, the work with city lighting in Tartu is not done. In fact the next big step – To open the electricity market with the yearly total demand of about 8 GWh – is already waiting ahead!
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Sector: Lighting
Country / Region: Estonia, Europe
Tags: carbon dioxide, cities, energy, energy savings, lighting, projectsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: ManagEnergy
Publishing year: 2006
Author: City of Tartu economical department