This volume is part of the Series of Energy Efficiency Guides of the Energy Division of the Inter-American Development Bank, whose publication responds to the lack of easily accessible information in Spanish on issues related to energy efficiency in Latin American countries and the Caribbean. This guide contains concrete examples of projects carried out at the regional and global levels. Each volume deals with specific aspects of energy efficiency, such as the forms of financing and program design, the justifications behind government intervention in this field, the necessary institutional frameworks, standards and labeling initiatives, utility companies. energetic and performance energy service contracts.
Guide F: The ESCO business model and performance energy service contracts presents the main elements of the ESCO business model (or energy service companies – ESCO for its acronym in English) to leaders, entrepreneurs, financial agents, and in general to business people from the Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) region. The original ESCO model seeks to execute energy efficiency programs offering adequate financing and a return on investment based solely on the savings generated by the projects themselves . The contractual agreement developed between the ESCO and the client has been called Service Contract Energetics for Performance (ESPC). Although the ESCO model is presented here in its simplest form, it is not necessarily a simple model. On the basis of this new guide, readers should be able to fragment the model parts, rearrange them in various schemes or mechanisms, integrate them into their business planning and take advantage of the best possible way the experience and best practices existing in this field. Likewise, examples of the use of this type of business model are offered not only worldwide, but also in the LAC region.
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Sectors: Cross cutting, ESCO
Country / Region: Global, Latin America and the Caribbean
Tags: best practice, energy, energy efficiency, energy input labelings, energy services, energy utilities, international development, labeling, labels, projectsIn 2 user collections: Business Models, Contracts & Project Development , Market Overview including Cases studies
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: IDB
Publishing year: 2017