Tools for Building Energy Efficiency: Resources for Policy Development (Webinar) – 24.11.2015

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in collaboration with the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), the World Resource Institute (WRI) and ICLEI—partners to the Sustainable Energy for All Building Efficiency Accelerator—hosted this webinar training on publicly available analytical tools for local governments and other stakeholders to accelerate building efficiency improvements.

Webinar panelists presented tools for local policymakers to set energy use baselines in their cities and identify policy options for enhancing energy efficiency in buildings. They described the roles tools can play along the stages of the policy development process, described a method that cities can use to select tools that are most appropriate to their needs and explored how tools can help in understanding the local situation on energy efficiency and identifying priority opportunity areas.

The webinar began with an overview of the decision tree framework developed by C2E2 and WRI for mapping tools to particular stakeholders, building types and stages of the policy development cycle. The overview was followed by case studies on the application of two tools (Common Carbon Metric and TRACE) in cities and discussion of their impacts on local energy efficiency actions. At the end of the webinar, implications were discussed for how tools can help cities accelerate their energy efficiency efforts and the support the Building Efficiency Accelerator can provide. Presentations were followed by an interactive question and answer session with the audience.

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