Intended for mayors, technical teams and municipal officials of Latin American cities and municipalities.
Dual objective
Firstly, to provide a streamlined and structured orientation on how to prepare a comprehensive Strategic Energy Efficiency Plan for cities and municipalities. Second, provide guidance on the technical, operational and financial aspects related to the project bundling approach, which could greatly facilitate the implementation of programs and projects derived from the EE strategic plans.
Although the project bundling approach can be applied to projects in various infrastructure areas, such as construction, road infrastructure, water supply, public transport services, and others, the course focuses on grouping projects into three main areas: public buildings, public street lighting and water supply.
The course consists of 7 modules that can be used independently. The sessions will be 2 per week (Monday and Thursday) in a 1.5-hour online format starting Monday, August 24 through the RAMCC. The course will be imparted in Spanish.
- Module 1: Design of a strategic plan for energy efficiency in municipalities.
Instructor: RAMCC - Module 2: Grouping of projects: introduction and steps.
Instructors: Jorge Rogat, Gabriela Prata Dias (C2E2) - Module 3: Rapid evaluation of energy efficiency projects for municipalities.
Instructors: Clara Camarasa Hernando, Jorge Izquierdo Pérez, Santiago Martinez Santaclara (C2E2) - Module 4: Investment models for grouping EE projects in municipalities.
Instructor: Jorge Hinojosa Garza - Module 5: Financing projects grouped into municipalities.
Instructor: Jorge Hinojosa Garza - Module 6: Assessing the progress and impacts of the grouping of projects.
Instructor: Fernando Farias - Module 7: Implementing project grouping: a practical example.
Instructor: RAMCC
For the Spanish version, please link to:
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