This no-cost, webinar focuses on available analytical tools that can help cities, sub-national governments and local stakeholders in accelerating energy efficiency actions in the building sector. The webinar is hosted by the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2) in collaboration with the World Resources Institute (WRI), under the umbrella of the Sustainable Energy for All Global Energy Efficiency Accelerator Platform.
This is the fourth event in the webinar series devoted to analytical tools initiated in support of the Building Efficiency Accelerator. Other related webinars can be found here.
The focus of this webinar is on tracking progress of energy efficiency policies and projects and the role online tools and resources can play in assisting local policy-makers in this process.
This webinar discusses application of online tools for tracking progress towards accelerating energy efficiency in buildings and practical experience from cities with a particular focus on:
- Greenhouse Gas Protocol
- ICLEI Clear Path
- Milwaukee’s Better Building Challenge
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Sectors: Buildings, Cities
Country / Region: Global
Tags: building sectors, building types, cities, energy, energy efficiency, projects, stakeholders, World Resources InstituteIn 3 user collections: C2E2 Webinars , Building Efficiency Accelerator: Tracking Progress Resource Collection , Building Efficiency Accelerator’s Webinars
Knowledge Object: eLearning
Published by: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Effieciency
Publishing year: 2016
- Welcome and Instructions_2.pdf
- Building Efficiency Accelerator’s work in cities.pdf
- Overview of tools for tracking progress on energy efficiency in buildings.pdf
- Case Study 1 Tracking progress with GHG Protocol.pdf
- Case Study 2 Tracking progress with ClearPath.pdf
- Case Study 3 Tracking progress in Milwaukee.pdf