This BEA webinar engages participants on how to use tools and standards to improve city sustainability.
Participants learn about how to create a greenhouse gas inventory to benchmark and track city emissions reductions with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol for Cities, how to estimate the potential emissions from city projects and policies with the GHG Protocol Policy and Action Standard, and how to set ambitious targets for cities with the Mitigation Goal Standard.
The webinar focused on how the Greenhouse Gas Protocol tools can be used to asses energy savings and other benefits of building efficiency policies and projects. Webinar speakers discuss how these processes can be best applied in a local context and example uses of the standards will be demonstrated.
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Sector: Buildings
Country / Region: Global
Tags: benchmarking, cities, climate change mitigation, emissions, GHG emission reduction, greenhouse gas emissions, industrial benchmarking, mitigation goals, policy and action standard, projects, targetsIn 2 user collections: C2E2 Webinars , Building Efficiency Accelerator’s Webinars
Knowledge Object: eLearning
Published by: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Publishing year: 2017