Sustainable Building Facilitator – One-stop-shop

Location: Brussels, Belgium

Population: 1,209 mill

Climate: Oceanic climate

Duration: 2018-2021

Sector: Buildings

Funding sources: Public

City networks: Covenant of Mayors

Savings: N/A

Solutions: A powerful tool for the Region’s 2050 Renovation Strategy.

Multiple benefits: Support for condominium’s renovation, including multiple services.

Since 2015, Brussels Environment, the governmental administration responsible for the environment and energy in the Brussels Capital Region, has been working on a condominium renovation assistance scheme. The scheme is based on contacts with a large number of stakeholders and several existing services and resources. Their collaboration, combined with an improvement of the successful “Sustainable building facilitator” coaching service, resulted in Brussels’ one-stop-shop.

Objective – Develop a support scheme for the renovation of condominiums.

Solutions – The Brussels one-stop-shop was introduced in 2018, and the final version will be released in 2021. The Sustainable Building Facilitator’s one-stop-shop targets condominiums in private co-ownership, focusing on buildings containing 10 to 50 housing units.

The program has provided basic assistance to around 3,500 clients each year since January 2018. Four condominiums have received customised assistance, and eight more are being tracked by renovation coaches. Due to the lengthy decision-making process, the program aims to complete the refurbishment in at least three condominiums by the end of 2021.

The one-stop-shop plans to service the Brussels Capital Region, which includes 19 municipalities, including the City of Brussels. It focuses on condominiums in private co-ownership, emphasising structures with 10 to 50 dwelling units.

The one-stop-shop provides the following services:

  • Engagement method. A professional network of building managers and co-owners promotes the service to their members. The Sustainable Building Facilitator is a popular service with homeowners. An energy coach and a social mediator initially visit the premises to begin the coaching process;
  • Energy renovation and budget. At least three renovation scenarios with costs are prepared and discussed with the building manager and co-owner representatives. A general meeting is called later on in which the coach delivers the chosen scenario to all co-owners. Two meetings are generally required for large projects. To formalise the relationship and set up the terms of service, the co-owners association enters a contract with the one-stop-shop. Brussels Environment is working on a pro bono program for 2021. The coach will also provide an overview of all accessible financing options in Brussels (the Brussels green loan, subsidies, etc.). The one-stop-shop will soon be accredited to provide more tailored financial advice to homeowners;
  • Organising the renovation project. The energy coach assists the project architect throughout the rehabilitation process.
  • Affordable long-term financing. The Brussels Green Loan is available to homeowners, and it is intended for energy conservation. Brussels Environment manages it in collaboration with a cooperative bank (Credal) and the Housing Fund. The Green Loan can be paired with energy and renovation grants.
  • Guaranteed results & post-work monitoring. The one-stop-shop and co-owner association’s contract defines the refurbishment’s scope. Additionally, the coach will offer owners and building managers a monitoring manual.

Funding – Brussels Environment will bear 100% of the costs. The total budget for the Sustainable Building Facilitator is €1.8 million per year. The one-stop-shop that will be launched in 2021 with an estimated team of 16 people will cost €500,000 per year.

Innovation – N/A

Success factors: 1) Market gap Analysis. In 2017, a full market gap study was undertaken as the first step toward a one-stop-shop. 2) Important collaborations. A network connecting renovation professionals and target groups was formed to build trust. In addition, a working group that brought public administrations, the commercial sector, and the non-profit sector was formed to coordinate the supply-side players better.

Significant outcomes:

  • The Sustainable Building Facilitator has been providing basic assistance to around 3,500 clients per year since January 2018;
  • Four condominiums have gotten personalised assistance, and eight more are currently being monitored by renovation coaches;
  • By the end of 2021, the initiative intends to have completed renovations in at least three condominiums.

Synergies with local policies:

  • 2050 Renovation Strategy. It’s a regional contribution to the National Energy and Climate Plan, with a goal of 100kWh/m2/year for building efficiency by 2050. The reduction target for greenhouse gas emissions has been set at 40% for 2030 and 95% for 2050 (compared to 1990) [source].

 Political alignment:

  • National Energy and Climate Plan. To reach the EU’s overall greenhouse gas emission targets, each member state must develop a ten-year integrated National Energy and Climate Plan (ENCP). The Plan’s goal is to define metrics tailored to various dimensions, such as Energy Efficiency.
  • Belgium aims to contribute to the European objective of 32.5 per cent by 2030 (15% in primary energy and 12% in final energy) [source].

Marketability: N/A

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Sector: Finance

Country / Region: Belgium

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In 1 user collection: Good practices of cities

Knowledge Object: User generated Initiative

Published by: Energy Cities, The European association of cities in energy transition