Sino-Danish Clean and Renewable Heating Cooperation Centre – Experts

As part of the Sino-Danish Clean and Renewable Heating Cooperation, the DEA and CREEI have agreed to establish an expert panel comprised of technical and policy experts within the areas of district heating, renewable energy, energy planning, energy policy and energy infrastructure financing. The experts come from a mix of governmental, academic and research, as well as industry organizations, from Danish, Chinese or international organizations.

The expert’s role in the Sino-Danish Clean and Renewable Heating Cooperation is to function as the following group that receives regular updates on the progression of the project and has the possibility to provide input to ongoing research/developments in the project. The expert panel can thereby ensure that the project focus maintains relevance, as well as provide a platform for the dissemination of the results of the project.

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Sector: District energy

Country / Region: China, Denmark

Knowledge Object: User generated Initiative

Publishing year: 2022

Danish Experts

Lars Gullev

Senior Consultant at VEKS

LinkedIn: Visit profile

Thomas Engberg Pedersen

Head of Heat Production and Demand at HOFOR A/S

Silas Alvin Hupfeld

Team Leader of Strategic Energy Planning at Aalborg Forsyning

International Experts

Phone: +45 50 22 38 30
LinkedIn: Visit profile