How to Upscale Deep Renovations Using Financial Mechanisms: Insight from Best-Practice Jurisdictions on Incentives and Drivers (Webinar)

The Clean Energy Solutions Center, in partnership with the Global Buildings Performance Network (GBPN), hosted this webinar on How to Upscale Deep Renovations Using Financial Mechanisms.
The GBPN is hosting a series of four webinars on “how to” implement a successful policy package that targets energy renovations for residential buildings based on the findings from the recently launched Policy Tool for Renovation. This tool allows a comparison and analysis of twelve best-practice renovation policy packages for residential buildings in Europe and the United States, using fourteen criteria that define a “state of the art” policy package.
The webinar addressed the critical question of how financing schemes can be developed to support and leverage the large investments needed to “go deep”. Representatives of two leading regions (the European Union and the United States) presented their innovative methods of using finance as a way to upscale deep renovations. The webinar provided insights into the implementation of these measures and illustrated how they link with the overall policy framework.
Robert Sahadi, Director Energy Efficiency Finance Policy, leads IMT’s work to develop and expand energy efficiency financing solutions for homes and commercial buildings. He has held senior positions at Fannie Mae, where he was vice president of product development, vice president of mortgage-backed securities, and he oversaw the development of the corporation’s energy-efficient mortgages and green innovations. Bob has held multiple positions in the federal government, at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, in the Executive Office of the President, and at the Federal Home Loan Bank Board, where he was chief economist.
Rod Janssen is an expert in energy efficiency. He has worked in this field in various capacities since the 1970s at the governmental, international and non-governmental levels. While at the International Energy Agency (IEA) in the 1980s, he led a project that was the first international study to evaluate energy efficiency programmes. He has been involved in Europe-wide energy efficiency and renewable energy policy analysis for two decades (including extensively for the Commission in the 1990s). Between 2009 and 2011, Rod was responsible for buildings policy for the European Council for an Energy Efficient Economy (eceee) and was involved with several other organisations related to energy performance of buildings, including the Buildings Performance Institute Europe and the Global Buildings Performance Network. He is also editor of the web service, Energy in Demand.
Sophie Shnapp graduated from the University of Strathclyde (Glasgow) with a Master’s Degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering. During her studies, she made a strong contribution to several teams and committees in the fields of climate change and sustainability, educating peers and schoolchildren on food, transport, water and waste. Her passions for energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, the construction of buildings and creating change have brought her to GBPN. Here, she joined the Global Research team as Policy Analyst and is working closely with Jens Laustsen.
Adrien Bullier works at the European Commission on the Intelligent Energy Europe and Horizon 2020 Energy Efficiency programmes on financing for energy efficiency and renewables, notably in buildings. He has focused in the past three years on project development assistance for local authorities to develop a pipeline of bankable projects and innovative financing schemes. Prior to that, as Head of Sustainability of a major French housing company, he developed the first energy performance contracts in housing and worked on the integration of green value in financial models.

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