Tag: partnerships

New partnership for the future of energy efficiency in India
The world's largest public energy service company joins UNEP DTU Partnership in creating a framework for long-term cooperation on energy efficiency improvement in India.
January 15th, 2019

Energy Efficiency Partnership with Ashtrakhan, Russia
The Copenhagen Centre, with support from the Danfoss Foundation under the UN Environment District Energy in Cities Initiative, is working with the City of Astrakhan to improve and support its energy efficiency across different sectors with a focus on buildings and district energy. Russia has acknowledged energy efficiency as an important direction for its policy development. In 2008, an economy-wide […]
December 19th, 2017

Copenhagen Centre partners with the Russian city of Astrakhan
The Russian city of Astrakhan will soon be partnering with the Copenhagen Centre to improve its energy efficiency. Having expressed its desire to become a flagship sustainable city and a model for regional replication, last December Astrakhan signed a Statement of Intent that formally established the partnership. On 27 February 2017, this new alliance was officialised at a kick-off meeting […]
March 1st, 2017
C2E2 forges new partnerships in its first year
The Copenhagen Centre for Energy Efficiency (C2E2), which provides the institutional structure for the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) Energy Efficiency Hub has since its inception in October 2013 finalised its work plan, built key partnerships and has been analysing and promoting the acceleration of energy efficiency globally. In June this year, C2E2 convened an international workshop of stakeholders to consult on […]
November 20th, 2014