Since 2012 Kazakhstan has adopted a series of legislative acts defining the main requirements in the field of energy efficiency. Currently, the central document is the Law on Energy Saving and Increasing Energy Efficiency. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan has also set the target to reduce GDP energy intensity by at least 40% by 2020 compared to 2008 levels.
The Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050” and the Concept of Transition to a Green Economy aim at reducing the impact of Kazakhstan’s economic activity on the environment, improving the efficiency of resource use and raising further the quality of living for the country’s population.
Experts from the Energy Charter and the KAZENERGY Association prepared recommendations for improving energy efficiency in the main energy consuming sectors of Kazakhstan’s economy.
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![Kazakhstan Review: Energy Saving and Improving Energy Efficiency](
Sectors: Cross cutting, Industry, Renewables
Country / Region: Asia, Kazakhstan
Tags: energy, energy efficiency, energy intensity, energy savings, increasing energy efficiency, targetsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Energy Charter
Publishing year: 2014
Author: Energy Charter Secretariat