This year’s edition of Perspectives, issued by the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency (C2E2), is devoted to the opportunities presented by the Energy Service Company (ESCO). In particular, it focuses on the potential role of ESCOs in developing ambitious Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC) as part of the Paris Agreement, thus not only under- pinning the energy efficiency agenda itself, but also creating a perspective from which to influence entire NDCs, thus integrating the energy efficiency agenda with financial and operational clout that reaches far into other spheres of the energy and emissions reduction agenda.
The 2020 issue of Perspectives on ESCOs in NDCs consists of ten invited articles from leading experts and practitioners around the world, including regional and national ESCO associations.
In recognition of the important role of ESCOs in making improvements to energy efficiency and mitigating GHG emissions, in 2019 C2E2, together with the UN’s SEforALL initiative, established a Global ESCO Network. In 2020, a partnership with EVO, the Efficiency Valuation Organization, was created to reinforce these efforts. This edition of Perspectives is one of the results and can be considered one of the activities under the Global ESCO Network.
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Sector: Power sector
Country / Region: Global
Tags: emissions, energy, energy efficiency, energy service companies, energy services, ESCO, GHG emission reduction, greenhouse gas emissions, Nationally Determined Contributions, partnerships, United NationsIn 1 user collection: C2E2 Publications
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Publishing year: 2020
Author: Søren Lütken, Xianli Zhu