District Energy in Cities; Heating, Cooling and Methodologies for assessing District Energy Strategies (Webinar) – 17.05.2018

Aiming at enhancing the development of district energy systems, the District Energy Initiative combines awareness raising, technical assistance, policy advice and capacity building activities to cities worldwide. The initiative is coordinated by UN Environment and has a vast network of partners from various sectors and institutions, including the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency.

This webinar looks at exploring the Initiative and the role of the Copenhagen Centre, while providing discussions about district heating, district cooling and combined heating and cooling, as well as the methodologies for assessing the potential of district energy systems.

Registered panelists

Phone: +45 45 33 53 11
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Celia Martinez Juez

Coordinadora para Lationamérica y Africa de la Iniciativa “District Energy in Cities” at ONU Medio Ambiente