Tag: Publication

Innovative Data-Centre Cooling Technologies in China – Liquid Cooling Solution
New brief on energy efficiency in data centre cooling points to three options for more sustainable liquid cooling solutions
January 25th, 2021

Energy Efficiency Brief – Malawi
The Copenhagen Centre is working with Malawi to improve and support its energy efficiency across different sectors with a focus on transport, buildings and industry. Like many other sub-Sahara countries, expanding access to modern energy is the top priority on Malawi’s energy policy agenda and strategies for sustainable development. Malawi’s National Energy Policy was published in 2003 and the associated […]
March 16th, 2018

Overcoming Barriers to Investing in Energy Efficiency – New Study Brings Insights to Accelerate Climate Action
Energy efficiency implementation at a global level is an essential dimension of climate action, and is considered fundamental to achieving the goals of the Paris Agreement. An overwhelming majority of the Intended Nationally Determined Contributions to the agreement submitted by countries recognize energy efficiency as a primary delivery strategy. Improving energy efficiency comes with multiple social, economic, and environmental benefits. […]
January 31st, 2018

New Publication on High Impact Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in China
Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency has released a new publication, High Impact Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in China, which is part of the China Energy Efficiency report series that emerged from the High Impact Opportunities (HIO) studies supported by the UNEP DTU Partnership in China. It presents an analysis of energy efficiency opportunities and actions in a number of key sectors […]
July 14th, 2017

Energy Efficiency Partnerships – Tbilisi, Georgia
As the global energy efficiency hub of Sustainable Energy for All, the Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency acts to connect aspiring countries, cities and districts with the technology, service and finance providers who can convert their ambition into agreed policies, funded projects and real results. These direct engagements can then be used to provide a model of coordination that can […]
June 14th, 2017

New publications on enhancing energy efficiency in India and China
Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficency has released two new publications, Enhancing Energy Efficiency in India: Assessment of sectoral potentials and Enhancing Energy efficiency in China: Assessment of sectoral potentials, which are part of the China and India Energy Efficiency report series that emerged from the High Impact Opportunities studies supported by the UNEP DTU Partnership in China and India. Energy efficiency delivers not […]
June 5th, 2017

Energy Efficiency in China and India – Reports on Best Practices and Success Stories
Fuel efficiency standards, solar rooftop systems, public transport improvements—these are just a few of the success stories detailed in two new Copenhagen Centre reports on energy efficiency in China and India. Going back as far as 2000, the reports present the most successful and effective policies and measures of the world’s two largest developing countries as part of an ongoing […]
March 14th, 2017
New C2E2 Publication Showcases Best Practices in Industrial Energy Efficiency
Globally, industry accounts for about 29 percent of final energy consumption and employs some 23 percent of the world’s workforce. Best Practices and Case Studies for Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement – An Introduction for Policy Makers is a new Copenhagen Centre publication geared towards countries seeking to implement and accelerate energy efficiency in industry. Designed to support policymakers, the report includes […]
February 19th, 2016
New Publication Released – Best Practices for Improving Industrial Energy Efficiency
Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency has released a new publication on Best Practices and Case Studies for Industrial Energy Efficiency Improvement. Improving energy efficiency in the industrial sector is being prioritised in many countries. Investment to improve industrial energy efficiency can deliver large energy savings, improved productivity, and reduced environmental pollution. However, in many cases information, financial, and regulatory barriers are […]
February 16th, 2016

UNEP DTU Partnership is pleased to release The Multiple Benefits of Measures to Improve Energy Efficiency. This report represents a unique effort where energy modelling has been combined with a comprehensive survey of twenty-five national programmes on energy efficiency. The report provides energy use and greenhouse-gas emission projections to 2030 globally and for G20 countries. The report is released at a […]
October 13th, 2015