After winning the top spot for the second year in a row in Yale University’s Environmental Performance Index for Green Living, Sweden is now hosting the ICLEI World Congress, a network of more than 1,750 governments committed to sustainable development. The city of Malmö in Sweden is confident to they run on 100% renewable energy by 2030 and the city of Hammarby Sjöstad has, since the 90s, been completely rehabilitated from an unsafe industrial pollutant to a green residential district. The European residential developer White Peak has taken this success, and is now moving to meet the large demand for green buildings in China.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cities, Finance
Country / Region: Europe
Tags: cities, energy, Industry Regulators, Institutional Investors, international development, Investors, National Regulators, renewable energies, SMARTER, Supranational Regulators, sustainable development, topsIn 4 user collections: Green Home Investment Platform – Industry Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – National Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – Supranational Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – Institutional Investors
Knowledge Object: Web Resource
Author: Andrea Busfield