REthinking Energy 2017

Renewable energy is a fundamental and growing part of the world’s ongoing energy transformation. Governments all over the world are joining that
consensus. The use of renewables is their prime choice for enhancing access to abordable, reliable and cleaner sources of modern energy services. More than 170 countries have established renewable energy targets, and nearly 150 have enacted policies to catalyse investments in renewable energy technologies. Many are looking to partner with an increasingly active private

Recent studies by IRENA and its partners have shown clearly that renewables are competitive, attractive to investors and creating millions of new jobs. They present a compelling business case. This edition of REthinking Energy, the third in IRENA’s series, examines the dramatic changes under way in the energy sector in many countries. Among them is the growing maturity of the renewable energy market, coupled with technology advancements and policy refinement. Together, these developments provide an opportunity to develop an energy system that underpins sustainable development objectives. The foundations exist for accelerating the global energy transition, but efforts need to step up to achieve long-lasting change. Policy commitments still need to be strengthened, additional investments catalysed, and technological innovation fostered if new markets are to be geared up, e¨ciency enhanced and costs
driven down even further.

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