Most public lighting is concentrated in cities, where it can constitute up to 65 percent of municipal electricity budgets. Compared to alternative forms of public lighting, LED luminaries consume less electricity, have longer life cycles, and provide better quality lighting. Despite the benefits, many municipalities are unsure of how to implement an LED lighting program. This synthesis report summarizes the cross-cutting findings from the six case studies which document real-life experiences, challenges, and solutions encountered in implementing different LED lighting delivery models—ESCO, super-ESCO, joint procurement, public-private partnership, lease-to-own, and municipal financing. Crosscutting findings include various key roles played by governments, ranging from setting policies that support LED lighting programs to establishing an ESCO with a mandate to implement energy efficient programs while transforming the market. The report also highlights distinct ways used to mitigate technical, financial, and performance risks by the cities. These span from requiring third-party product test results to completely outsourcing the lighting infrastructure and procuring lighting as a service. It also highlights the importance of strategically engaging stakeholders—such as international partners, local utilities, non-profit groups, to name but a few—as the program advances.
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Sectors: Cross cutting, ESCO, Finance
Country / Region: Canada, India, Mexico, Philippines, United Kingdom
Tags: cities, corporate reporting, energy, light emitting diodes, low emission development strategies, mandates, partnerships, performance risks, public private partnerships, risksIn 4 user collections: Policies & legal and regulatory frameworks , Super ESCOs , Investment, Finance & Risk Management , Market Overview including Cases studies
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: ESMAP
Publishing year: 2016