Prospects for Clean and Renewable Heating in China – Insights from Denmark

As part of the Sino-Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation on Clean Heating, CREEI and DEA jointly developed a Report carrying out a prospective analysis for clean and renewable district heating in China.

Drawing upon feedback and insights from the Sino-Danish Expert Panel on Clean Heating, the Report provides an analysis of current conditions for district heating in Denmark and China. It explores key areas where Danish experiences can support effective solutions to achieve clean heating in China in the future, in alignment with the climate targets set by the Chinese government.

Eleven focus areas have been identified where solutions inspired by Danish best practices could play a key role in promoting clean and renewable heating in China. These areas are categorized into four main groups covering the whole district heating supply chain:

  1. Energy planning:
    • Strategic heat planning approach
    • Heat demand forecasting
    • Thermal storage
  1. Renewable energy for heating:
    • Geothermal heating
    • Solar district heating
    • Biomass heating
    • Large-scale heat pumps
  1. Efficient use of surplus heat
    • Combined heat and power plant surplus heat
    • Industrial excess heat recovery
  1. Efficient energy consumption:
    • Return temperature reduction
    • Heat metering and billing system

Closing the identified gaps between China’s current conditions for district heating and future conditions for clean and renewable district heating in these eleven areas can be achieved through the implementation of key policies that will catalyze new methodologies, standards, procedures and technologies.

Such efforts can be supported by research and capacity-building activities, and this is what the Sino-Danish Strategic Sector Cooperation on Clean Heating will focus on until the end of 2025.

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Prospects for Clean and Renewable Heating in China – Insights from Denmark

Sector: District energy

Country / Region: China, Denmark

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In 1 user collection: Sino-Danish Clean and Renewable Heating Cooperation Centre – Library

Knowledge Object: Publication / Report

Publishing year: 2024

Author: CREEI, DEA

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Weihua Xiao

Project Manager

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Zhang Peng

Deputy Division Director