PA Housing is a provider of social housing in the United Kingdom with more than 23,000 homes. They have developed a Sustainable Finance Framework under which it will issue sustainability bonds/loans and use the proceeds to finance projects that support the access to green and affordable housing in the country. The eligibility criteria are for affordable new build homes, green buildings, and sustainable estates, communities and public spaces. Sustainalytics is of the opinion that this framework is credible and impactful and aligns with relevant principles and guidelines, based on use of proceeds, projection evaluation, management of proceeds, and reporting criteria.
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Sectors: Buildings, Finance
Country / Region: United Kingdom
Tags: corporate reporting, Industry Regulators, Institutional Investors, Investors, program evaluations, projects, SMARTER, specific financing mechanisms, sustainabilityIn 2 user collections: Green Home Investment Platform – Industry Regulators , Green Home Investment Platform – Institutional Investors
Knowledge Object: Web Resource
Author: Evan Bruner, Grace Paranjape, Aoife McCarthy, Enrico Tessadro