This report, High Impact Opportunities for Energy Efficiency in China, presents six High Impact Opportunities (HIOs) for improvements to energy efficiency in China in the transport, building, industry and power sectors. These HIOs have been selected from the long list of HIOs identified with economic and energy modelling by the same expert team in the report, Enhancing Energy Efficiency in China: Assessment of Sectoral Potentials. The six HIOs covered in this report concern waste heat recovery in the industrial sector, passive house and air source heat pumps for the building sector, high fuel economy for trucks for cargo transport and electric vehicles for passenger transport, and energy conservation transformations of coal-fired power plants. These HIOs are expected to have huge impacts on improving energy efficiency in China by 2050. They have been selected through stakeholder consultation and are based on four criteria: high technical maturity and great energy-efficiency potential; low current technical penetration rate, but great potential for promotion in the future; high returns for investment; and comprehensive and far-reaching impact.
The report also presents detailed project concept notes on how to speed up implementation of two of the HIOs for the building sector through pilot projects on a commercial scale.
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Sectors: Buildings, Industry, Power sector, Transport
Country / Region: Asia, China
Tags: building types, corporate reporting, domestic heating, energy, energy efficiency, heating, industry, transport, waste heat recoveryIn 1 user collection: C2E2 Publications
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Publishing year: 2017
Author: Quan Bai, Xianli Zhu, Sheng Zhou