Georgia will soon be releasing its first National Energy Efficiency Action Plan (NEEAP), which covers a comprehensive set of policies and cross-sectoral measures in power, transport, industry, buildings and services. Energy de-mand in Georgia stems primarily from transport (33 per cent), the residen-tial sector (30 per cent) and industry (15 per cent). In 2017 Tbilisi released its Land Use Master Plan 2030 to increase the efficiency of infrastructure investment, create a balanced road network to reduce traffic congestion and establish a network of green spaces. The success of both plans will rely on cooperation with Tbilisi City Hall and its residents, presenting a range of opportunities to showcase the city’s action and leadership on energy efficiency.
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Sectors: Buildings, Industry, Transport
Country / Region: Asia, Georgia
Tags: building types, energy, energy efficiency, industry, land use, transportIn 2 user collections: City Briefs by the Copenhagen Centre , C2E2 Publications
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency
Publishing year: 2017
Author: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency