A two-day stakeholder workshop on “Doubling the Global Rate of Improvement in Energy Efficiency by 2030; Options, Implementation Issues and Way Forward” was held on 16- 17 June in Copenhagen, Denmark at the UN City. Forty-six participants from national governments, non-government organisations, private sector companies, global institutions, and inter-governmental institutions participated in the workshop.
Insightful presentations and discussions highlighted the need to continue to share experiences to enable the ramping-up of action on energy efficiency to reach the Sustainable Energy for All (SE4ALL) goal of doubling energy efficiency improvement rate by 2030. The success of policies and programmes in some countries and regions demonstrate that this ambitious target is achievable.
The workshop comprised of presentations on the targets and challenges of the SE4ALL initiative and four sessions covering the options and implementation issues for Lighting and Appliances, Transport, and Buildings on the first day. In addition, there were presentations on Recent Developments in Industrial Energy Efficiency, the SE4All Global Tracking Framework. Day two included sessions on district Energy, Financing Energy Efficiency and a session covering presentations on five regional overviews of Energy Efficiency in developing countries for Asia, Africa, Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) countries, Latin America and Eastern Europe.
Following these informative sessions, the workshop ended with a panel discussion on two concluding key questions based on all the input from the participants: (1) What is needed to scale up action on energy efficiency and (2) What could the Energy Efficiency Hub (EE Hub) do to help achieve this? The EE Hub will carefully consider the information, discussions and initiatives from the workshop in finalising its operations. In closing the workshop John Christensen, Head of the UNEP Risø Centre, thanked all participants for their important contributions and highlighted the need for continued engagement and sharing of experiences to double energy efficiency improvement by 2030.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cross cutting, Equipment and appliances, Industry, Renewables
Country / Region: Asia, Denmark, Europe, Global, Philippines
Tags: building types, cities, energy, energy efficiency, implementation, lighting, stakeholders, targetsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: C2E2
Publishing year: 2014
Author: C2E2