Serhi Novosolov

Green Financial Mechanisms Specialist

Sergii Novosolov holds a Master’s Degree in Finance and has extensive experience in developing and implementing financial mechanisms for energy efficiency (EE) programs and projects. With 15 years of experience in financial instruments and mechanisms for energy efficiency, renewable energy, and energy service contracts (ESCO) in Ukraine, Sergii is currently a Green Financial Mechanisms Specialist at the United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine.

In this role, he has played a pivotal role in facilitation of the innovative financial mechanisms aimed at de-risking investments in EE projects within Ukrainian municipalities. This initiative, launched in partnership with the Business Development Fund and the Decarbonization Fund of Ukraine, marks a significant advancement in accessible and affordable financing solutions tailored to the unique demands of the Ukrainian market. By focusing on de-risking and offering favourable loan terms, these mechanisms aim to reduce the financial burden on municipalities, thereby accelerating the adoption of energy-efficient technologies and practices.

Serhi Novosolov
Green Financial Mechanisms Specialist

United Nations Development Programme

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