Lars Gullev

Senior Consultant

Mr. Lars Gullev is working of Vestegnens Kraftvarmeselskab I/S, also known as VEKS, the company managing the district heating in the western suburban area of Copenhagen, including 12 municipalities. He holds a Bachelor’s degree in Power engineering and a Bachelor of Commerce. He has written a number of technical articles, which have been published in technical magazines in Germany, Russia, China, and Ukraine, as well as in Denmark. Lars Gullev participated with presentation of papers at district heating conferences, symposiums etc., in more than 20 countries, including Canada, China, Croatia, France, Germany, Korea, Mongolia, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Serbia and the USA. He has an extensive experience in management training for managers in the Bulgarian, Hungarian, Estonian, Russian and Chinese district heating sector.

Key expertise

  • Energy planning
  • Design of district heating networks and natural gas distribution networks
  • Capacity building on District Heating
  • Preventive maintenance

Lars Gullev
Senior Consultant



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