Dirk Vansintjan


Dirk Vansintjan co-founded and is president of REScoop.eu the federation of citizen energy cooperatives in Europe. REScoop.eu is now an associate member of Cooperatives Europe, the European branch of the International Cooperative Alliance. He was involved in founding the Green Party in Flanders and has been a member of the council of the municipality Rotselaar for 12 years. He co-founded the co-housing project in the watermill of Rotselaar (70 kW hydropower) and was active in TSAP, an NGO focused on co-housing, renewable energy and monuments. He is still active in Molenforum Vlaanderen, an umbrella organisation for the preservation of old wind- and watermills and the profession of miller. He co-founded the citizen energy cooperative Ecopower in 1991 that now has 70.000 members and supplies 1.7% of households with green electricity from their installations.