How many lives will an individual climate action save? How many new jobs will a building retrofit project result in? How will an improved building standard affect urban residents’ health, well-being and productivity? As the construction sector transitions towards zero carbon buildings, knowing the impact of those climate actions on health and the economy is critical to making better policy choices, and for convincing a wide range of urban stakeholders that the high upfront cost of retrofitting buildings is worthwhile.
To support cities in this process, this report introduces a methodology and toolkit to enable cities to quantify the benefits from deep retrofit projects, and presents results from three cities which piloted it to estimate the benefits from their programmes.
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Sector: Buildings
Country / Region: Denmark, Italy, United States
Tags: carbon, cities, corporate reporting, efficient construction of buildings, global climate, health sector, human health, projects, retrofits, stakeholdersKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: C40 Knowledge Hub
Publishing year: 2020