Super-efficient Equipment and Appliance Deployment (SEAD)

What is SEAD?
At its core, SEAD is about governments working together to save energy, turning knowledge into action to advance global market transformation for energy efficient products.
SEAD’s 17 participating governments (Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, the European Commission, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Russia, South Africa, Sweden, the United Arab Emirates, the United Kingdom and the United States) collaborate to accelerate and strengthen the design and implementation of appliance energy efficiency policies and related measures. The SEAD Initiative supports this effort by:
Providing knowledge and tools that help impact policy change
Raising awareness about the importance of increasing the efficiency of common appliances and equipment
Identifying and highlighting technologies that will save energy
Providing technical expertise and best practices to stakeholders
Product energy efficiency policies and programs are proven, cost-effective methods for lowering energy costs for consumers and increasing the resiliency of economies. They are often the lowest-cost tool for achieving significant emission reductions.
If all SEAD governments were to adopt current policy best practices for product energy efficiency standards, 2,000 TWh of annual electricity could be saved in 2030, equal to the energy generated by 650 mid-sized power plants.
Collectively, these measures would decrease CO2 emissions over the next two decades by 11 billion tonnes, seven times more than the annual emissions of all road vehicles in the United States.

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Sectors: Cross cutting, Power sector, Renewables

Country / Region: Africa, Asia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Europe, Germany, India, Indonesia, Japan, Latin America and the Caribbean, Mexico, Northern America, Russian Federation, South Africa, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States

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Knowledge Object: Tool / Instrument

Published by: SEAD