In developing countries the implementation of energy efficiency projects has fallen far short of the potential due to a number of institutional and financial barriers. The concept of performance contracting implemented by ESCOs has been recognized as a mechanism to overcome some of these barriers. However, despite the fact that the potential for application of performance contracting in developing nations is enormous, the growth of the ESCO industry has been rather slow. In particular, performance contracting and ESCOs have played a very limited role in implementation of energy efficiency projects in the public sector. This paper identifies barriers to the development of a viable ESCO industry in developing countries and identifies the need for and the potential role of a “Super ESCO” as a means of facilitating large-scale implementation of energy efficiency projects.
A Super ESCO is an entity that is established by the Government and functions as an ESCO for implementing projects in public facilities and supports capacity building and project development activities of existing private ESCOs, as well as creation of new ESCOs. The Government capitalizes the Super ESCO with sufficient funds to undertake public sector performance contracting projects and to leverage commercial financing. The Super ESCO may also act as a financing or leasing organization to provide private ESCOs and/or customers financing for EE projects or leasing for EE equipment. The paper identifies examples of existing and proposed Super ESCOs and defines how Super ESCOs may address some of the barriers to large-scale implementation.
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Sector: ESCO
Country / Region: Global
Tags: energy efficiency, ESCO, super ESCOIn 1 user collection: Super ESCOs
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: SRC Global Inc.
Publishing year: 2010
Author: Dilip R. Limaye, Emily S. Limaye