Module 1 – Introduction to District Energy

This module presents the fundamentals of district energy. It is composed of five parts:

  • Part I. Context for district energy
  • Part II. Definition of district energy
  • Part III. Benefits of district energy
  • Part IV. Key steps in DES Planning
  • Part V. Best practices from France, Armenia, Mauritius and Egypt

After completing Module 1, participants will be able to:

  • Describe the role of district energy in the decarburization of building sector
  • Describe, understand and discuss fundamentals of DES including types of projects, networks and components
  • Identify and develop on the main benefits of DES across various stakeholders
  • Recognize and apply key steps in the development of DES planning: phases, assessments, stakeholders etc.

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Module 1 – Introduction to District Energy

Sector: District energy

Country / Region: Armenia, Egypt, France, Mauritius

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In 2 user collections: Urban Climate Neutrality (Mauritius) , District Energy Systems Training

Knowledge Object: eLearning

Published by: Copenhagen Centre on Energy Efficiency

Publishing year: 2021