The second In-depth energy efficiency review of Moldovawas completed in 2015, by a team of experts from Slovakia(review team Leader) and Portugal, supported by the Energy Charter Secretariat and a local energy efficiency expert.
The report commends Moldavian Government for giving high consideration to potential contribution of energy efficiencytowards decreasing fuel imports and supporting economic growth and the environment giving and recommends that further attention is to be given to the stability of legislative framework as an important precondition for attracting investments in the energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors. In addition, future energy policies need to be supported by detailed analysis of economic energy efficiency potentials in all sectors of the economy and the barriers impeding the realisation of these potentials should be mitigated.
The review report notes that improving energy efficiency and energy security are among the main priorities of the National Development Strategy ‘Moldova 2020ʼ and the Energy Strategy of Moldova until 2030. Moldova also adopted National Energy Efficiency Programme 2011-2020 and Action Plan 2013-2015 to provide the necessary set of measures for an overall reduction in final energy consumption in all sectors. Further an Energy Efficiency Law was adopted in 2010 that provides the general legislative framework for energy efficiency improvements, including establishing and supporting the institutional activity in development and implementation of programmes, plans, energy services and other energy consumption efficiency measures.
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Sectors: Cross cutting, Power sector, Renewables
Country / Region: Europe, Moldova, Republic of, Portugal, Slovakia
Tags: corporate reporting, energy, energy efficiencyIn 1 user collection: In-depth Country Reviews of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes by Energy Charter Secretariat
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Energy Charter
Publishing year: 2015
Author: Energy Charter Secretariat