The first In-depth energy efficiency review of Albania was completed in 2012 by a team of experts led by a representative of Switzerland and including representatives of Bulgaria and Italy, supported by the Energy Charter Secretariat.
The review team noted in the report the recent success of Albania’s energy policy in delivering a more reliable electricity supply and appreciated the fact that the Albanian government had followed through on the reform of the electricity market. The report highlights the fact that a solid energy efficiency policy could contribute strongly to achieving the targets and goals, which the Albanian government has set for the country’s energy sector. Much remains to be done to successfully implement the energy policy priorities identified by the authorities. These priorities include solar panel deployment, bill collection, illegal electricity connection elimination, awareness raising and incentives for energy efficiency. There are, without doubt, real resource constraints and the imperative is to maximise the effectiveness of policy measures.
Based on the review team’s observations and assessment of the progress made by the country, the report makes a number of recommendations to the Albanian government to accelerate the pace of reform in the energy sector and to finalise the process of adoption of the existing draft pieces of legislation on energy efficiency and renewable energy. The report recommendations were endorsed by the Energy Charter Conference in November 2012.
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Sectors: Cross cutting, Power sector, Renewables
Country / Region: Albania, Bulgaria, Europe, Italy, Switzerland
Tags: corporate reporting, electricity generation, energy, energy efficiency, energy policies, energy sectorIn 1 user collection: In-depth Country Reviews of Energy Efficiency Policies and Programmes by Energy Charter Secretariat
Knowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: Energy Charter
Publishing year: 2013
Author: Energy Charter Secretariat