This MVE guide explains clearly all the steps to be taken and pitfalls to be avoided in establishing effective product compliance regimes, with this Motors guide discussing the key decisions needed when devising a Compliance, Certification and Enforcement (CC&E) regime for electric motors. This guide also includes a review of current motor MEPS around the world, providing a basis for decisions on what efficiency levels are appropriate for new countries wishing to introduce MEPS for motors. To maintain a focus on the key CC&E issues that the Policymaker needs to consider, the sections covering detailed technical aspects are included in a series of dedicated annexes which can be read as needed. For an overview of wider motor systems policies, the EMSA Policy Guidelines for Electric Motor Systems Part 2: Toolkit for Policy Makers is a useful reference (IEA 4E, 2014).
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Sector: Equipment and appliances
Country / Region: Global
Tags: energy efficiency, program evaluationsKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: SEAD
Publishing year: 2015
Author: SEAD