Three scenarios explain the potential for the buildings sector to mitigate energy consumption in China, the EU, India and the USA. Depending on the scenario, by 2050, final energy use can increase 111% or can decrease by one-third, even with an increase in floor area of 127%. The ambitious scenario shows the benefit of taking today’s best practice to a global scale. Discover the potential of the global buildings sector to reduce energy consumption by 2050 by making todays best practices the standard.
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Sectors: Buildings, Cross cutting, Renewables
Country / Region: Asia, China, India, Northern America, United States
Tags: best practice, building types, carbon, energyKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: GBPN
Publishing year: 2012
Author: Diana Urge-Vorsatz, Ksenia Petrichenko, Miklos Antal, Maja Staniec, Michael Labelle, Eren Ozden, Elena Labzina