This application notes introduces the energy management, describes why it matters and considers the challenges it involves. It describes how the goal of energy management is to reduce energy waste, increase energy efficiency or remaining energy consumers and increase the share of renewable energy.
The goal of energy management is similar to the Trias Energetica concept and aims to reduce energy waste, increase energy-efficiency of remaining energy consumers and increase the share of renewable energy. These days companies are confronted with ever more reasons to implement energy management: from legislative issues and stakeholder pressure to corporate vision and global competition. Energy costs money and represents risk and therefore needs to be properly managed.
Probably the biggest problem regarding energy consumption and its related costs is the so-called invisible nature of energy. Since electricity and gas always seem to be available yet usually not physically visible, people tend not to think about it and take energy for granted. This in turn explains the common lack of even a basic insight into the various streams of energy and their related costs. Logically, a lack of insight also leads to a lack of priority and/or commitment and to a lack of resources dedicated to addressing the issue. Nevertheless, more and more companies (especially multinationals in energy-intensive industries) have taken to implementing the international ISO50001 standard for energy management. In a similar manner to other quality system standards, this standard is aimed at structurally embedding energy management within the entire organization.
While a certified energy management system certainly has value, it may be overkill for many organizations. A simplified and pragmatic approach may even lead to quicker results and higher levels of enthusiasm among the staff. Management commitment however is a must, since resources will be needed to gain insight into the energy streams and to implement optimization projects. Understanding where, when, how much, why and at what cost energy is being consumed will require many people in various departments and functions to work together.
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Sectors: Buildings, Power sector, Renewables
Country / Region: Europe
Tags: economic cost, energy, energy efficiency, energy management, renewable energies, wasteKnowledge Object: Publication / Report
Published by: ECI
Publishing year: 2015
Author: Tom Capiau