This year’s seminar featured the groundbreaking ClimateWorks-funded Fraunhofer ISI study DecarbEE, which was launched at COP21 and was presented to a Brussels audience for the first time. This study is the first that really assesses the global potential of EE to deliver cost-effective climate change mitigation. This year’s policy seminar also offered a presentation of the 2015 IEA Energy Efficiency Market Report. This report established itself in 2012 as a key publication to understand the powerful growth of energy efficiency markets. It was this report that coined the concept of energy efficiency as the First Fuel.
Together with research consultancy Ecofys the Coalition for Energy Savings is making the case for moving from a least-cost analysis to a cost-benefit analysis in line with Better Regulation to better inform decision-making on 2030 energy efficiency ambition levels. An new, alternative analysis based on European Commission’s own data about costs of energy efficiency applying a societal perspective will be presented.
A recent JRC study on how to make the Energy Union become a reality through energy efficiency was presented.
The annual policy seminar was arranged by eceee within the IEE-funded Energy Efficiency Watch 3 project in cooperation with Fraunhofer ISI, ClimateWorks and the International Energy Agency. Additional funding provided by Energifonden.
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14.00–14.05Welcome and introduction.
Peter Bach, President of eceee and seminar moderator.
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14.05–14.30Energy efficiency markets in the global energy system. Perspectives on the role that energy efficiency has had in OECD countries and the role it could have in a sustainable energy transition.
Tyler Bryant, energy policy analyst and project manager at the International Energy Agency.
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14.30–15.00How energy efficiency cuts costs for a 2-degree future. Presentation of the new ClimateWorks funded study.
Jakob Wachsmuth, Fraunhofer ISI.
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15.00–15.25Toward a cost-benefit analysis for EU’s energy efficiency 2030 ambitions. Stefan Scheuer, Coalition for Energy Savings.
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16.00–16.25Securing energy efficiency to secure the energy union.
Yamina Saheb.
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Discussion with panellists and audience. See the film
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Sectors: Cross cutting, Industry, Renewables
Country / Region: Belgium, Europe, Global
Tags: climate change mitigation, corporate reporting, energy, energy efficiencyKnowledge Object: Web Resource