Global Platform for Urban Climate Neutrality (GPUC)


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Urbanization drives global economic growth, with billions expected to live in cities by 2030. Energy efficiency is crucial for cities facing budget constraints, balancing energy needs with development and environmental goals.

To address this, the UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre (UNEP-CCC) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark launched the Global Platform for Urban Climate Neutrality (GPUC). This initiative supports cities in developing and emerging economies, providing access to information, technical solutions, and capacity building for energy efficiency and climate neutrality efforts.

GPUC serves as a central hub offering cities in developing and emerging economies access to information, technical solutions, capacity building, and support for energy efficiency and climate neutrality efforts. The ultimate goal is to accelerate energy efficiency interventions in cities towards long-term carbon neutrality targets, building on previous work in countries like India, Indonesia, and Vietnam.

Supported by the German Energy Agency (DENA), the GPUC Secretariat manages finance sources, including German-related funds like KfW and DGNB.


The Danish Energy Agency and the China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute, in partnership with UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre, have established a Sino-Danish Clean and Renewable Heating Centre to share and inspire each other with best practices in energy mapping, heat planning, legislation, technical and real-life applications of clean and renewable heating.

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India’s tropical climate and increasing extreme weather events are expected to drive up the usage of electric fans and air conditioners in the coming years. Unfortunately, India has the world’s lowest access to cooling, with less than 5% air conditioner penetration.

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Most of the over 3000 secondary boarding schools in Kenya are using inefficient incandescenet bulbs for lighting; lighting often contributes over half of the schools electricity bills. The poor lighting also affects the school children’s health and education.

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The focus is on municipalities, as they serve as the primary link between public administrations and citizens, presenting an opportunity for improvement and knowledge sharing with other institutions and companies within their area.

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Carry out a technical analysis to identify the leading factors for the Urban Heat Island Effect (UHIE) in the city and provide strategic interventions that can be undertaken in order to reduce the impacts on the residents.

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The UNEP Copenhagen Climate Centre has been engaged in providing support to Mauritius through a variety of initiatives. Through the GEF funded Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions for Low Carbon Island Development Strategy project in partnership with the Ministry of Environment, Solid Waste Management and Climate Change, the project sleeked to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

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