Author: Aristeidis Tsakiris
High Tech Summit: The future of green energy and data
Datacentres and sustainable energy systems were at the forefront of UNEP DTU Partnership presence at DTU High Tech Summit
November 1st, 2019
Latin America Business Forum – District Heating Development in Chile
Burning firewood for heating purposes in South-West Chile results in severe health issues and premature deaths. Danish companies have sustainable District Heating solutions to help Chileans gain access to modern energy, reduce health hazards, carbon emissions, and increase quality of life.
October 15th, 2019
UNEP DTU Partnership hosts new network, unleashing the ESCO potential
Energy Service Companies deliver some of the best results on climate investments, but their potential is far from reached. A new network aims to change that.
June 18th, 2019
Annual meeting on district energy: Inspiring results and capacity building
Partners and representatives from countries and cities around the world gather in Copenhagen for the 5th annual meeting in the District Energy in Cities Initiative
June 10th, 2019
UNEP DTU signs MoU with Argentinian network of municipalities for energy efficiency initiatives
Today, UNEP DTU signed an MoU with the Argentinian network of municipalities to together implement energy efficiency initiatives. The signing of the MoU by Peter Skotner, Deputy Director of UNEP DTU Partnership and Mr. Ricardo Bertolino of Asociación Civil Red de Acción Climática (ACRAC) took place during the Danish State visit to Argentina, in the presence of His Royal Highness the Crown […]
March 19th, 2019
UNEP DTU Partnership researchers join the Young Energy Researchers Conference
Two researchers from UNEP DTU Partnership joined the Young Energy Researchers Conference in Wels Austria this week, to present their research on batteries and behavioural biases. The conference is part of World Sustainable Energy Days, one of Europe’s largest annual conferences in this field that brings together more than 700 delegates from over 50 countries from business, public sector and […]
March 1st, 2019
New partnership for the future of energy efficiency in India
The world's largest public energy service company joins UNEP DTU Partnership in creating a framework for long-term cooperation on energy efficiency improvement in India.
January 15th, 2019
UNEP DTU Partnership senior energy advisor part of ‘global elite’
Senior advisor for energy Dr. Romanas Savickas has been recognised for his leadership in the global energy transition.
October 19th, 2018
Two awards for Chinese district energy projects
District energy projects designed by UNEP DTU Partnership researcher have won awards for energy efficiency
October 18th, 2018
International meetings in Buenos Aires to enhance energy efficiency actions
80 experts and specialists from Argentina and worldwide met to discuss work on energy efficiency policies, public and residential buildings efficiency, district energy and finance strategies.
September 14th, 2018